Who We Are

Identifying who we are is, in large part, about recognising who we have been. Rekindling the Spirit Ltd. (RTS) was established in the late 1990’s with a program that services the Aboriginal Families of Lismore and the surrounding areas, dealing with a clientele who have substance abuse issues, problems with violent behaviour, and difficulty connecting with Partners and Children.

We now sit as a collaborative primary health care service run by, and for, Aboriginal people, families, and communities; a service that works to ensure that Aboriginal people within families and communities reach and celebrate good health and wellbeing.

We uphold the definition of Aboriginal health that is ‘not just physical wellbeing of an individual but refers to the social, emotional and cultural wellbeing of the whole community in which each individual is able to achieve their full potential as a human being, thereby bringing about the total wellbeing of their community.

We recognise that social determinants have a significant impact on health and wellbeing and with this understanding we support Aboriginal people to reconnect with families, communities and traditional Aboriginal culture, values, and beliefs.

RTS offers services directly to Aboriginal men, women and families that relieve poverty, distress, sickness, destitution, trans-generation trauma and other misfortunes. Our counselling, assistance, education and supplementary services will focus on ‘Empowering Health and Wellbeing’ within families and the community.

As an Aboriginal community based organisation, we will participate in activities that recognise and appreciate our traditional cultural and family values and the cultural diversity of the broader community. We are committed to responsible risk-managed service provision for our clients and their families. We provide a safe career pathway for our staff and a firm governance system for our board members.


Principles and Values

RTS developed its guiding principles in 2023, which have been co-Designed by all RTS staff and executives, which speak of RTS’s intent and work to frame how we will we operate moving forward.
All employees are expected to reflect, by behaving in alignment with, the following principles and values of Rekindling the Spirit.


We connect through transparent communication. Actively communicating to strengthen relationships between all voices.


We strive to empower our communities. Only through living the principled example we hope to achieve, can we empower people to empower themselves.


We hold a safe space for shared Knowledge. Coming together with our skills, experience, and understandings to reach goals at all levels.


We show care by listening and responding authentically. Without care we fail.


We engage to connect. Coming together as a community to explore and strengthen connections in space, in self and the space between self; because we are a part of a community.


We have a responsibility to tell the truth. We are trusted to hold ourselves with integrity and respect.